Search results

(1,761 - 1,780 of 2,824)
Effects of spruce bark beetle infestations on grizzly bear forage
Re-narrating postmodern identities in Douglas Coupland's Generation X and the gum thief
Multimedia learning in undergraduate students
Snowstorms, sourdoughs, and sluices
Egg size, yolk content and gastrulation in the polychaete, Streblospio benedicti webster
The effects of egg size on early development
Pygospio elegans
The unfolding of souls
Diversity of fungi from marine inundated wood from the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada
Middle Ordovician ironstone of North Wales, United Kingdom
Development of a controlled analysis method for quantifying the relative mercury photo-volatilization potential for soils
"Imperfect girl talk"
Dangerous women
Ecology and the escape from empire:
Chocolate milk as a recovery aid from fatiguing exercise
Sex-bias, inheritance, and age-related changes in immuity of a long-lived seabird, Leach's storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa)
Human nature in international relations
Is feminism outdated?
Where is Daddy?
The changing relationship between humans and machines in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?