Search results

(1,701 - 1,720 of 2,824)
TEM characterization of MnSi layers grown on Si [111] substrates
Bugs and drugs
Habitat use and movement of the Eastern ribbonsnake (Thamnophis sauritus) at meso-scales
Effects of Relaxin on apoptosis in neonatal rat brain slice preparations under ischemic stress
Choosing pragmatism
A histological and ontogenic analysis of epidermal glands of the spionids Boccardia proboscidea, Polydora cornuta, Pygospio elegans and Streblospio benedicti
European Union citizenship
The efficacy of digital rights management and private copying levies to moderate the extent of digital piracy
Involvement and the innovative communicator
Nursing primary care back to health
A cross-faculty comparison of undergraduate computer use
Talking with terrorists
Decolonizing motherhood
Mental health literacy of adolescents in Atlantic Canada
X-band marine radar as a site assessment tool in the Minas Passage
Uncovering issues to Chinese college student ministry in Canada to facilitate missional engagement by the church
A petrological comparison of Silurian and Devonian plutons in the Leonard MacLeod Brook and Gillis Mountain areas, Aspy and Mira terranes, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
The partial mitochondrial DNA and phylogenetic relationships of the Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica)
Children's and university students' liking of organic apples grown with or without the use of reflective mulch