Search results

(1,561 - 1,580 of 2,824)
EMOO, Experimental MOO
Effects of prenatal tobacco exposure on newborn auditory information processing ability
Movement and distribution of three species of inquiline insects in boreal boglands
Psychosocial transactional patterns and symptoms of depression in university students
Women-centered corrections
The effects of choice and interest as motivators of text search performance
Distributed Marking System (DMS)
A RISC-based ATM network interface
The influence of avian biovectors on mercury speciation iin a coastal wetland
Theatre at Acadia University 1930-1958
Learning agents for federated collaborative virtual workspace
The challenge of internationalization
The relational self in Japanese context
Mobile Collaborative Virtual Workspace (mCVW)
Interactions of lactic acid bacteria with host cells at the mucosal interface
An examination of and recommendations for the academic advising program at Bethany Bible College
Foster parent satisfaction in Nova Scotia
Volunteers' relationship with community
An exploratory study of the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and adult female obesity
Discrimination of adult and early life history stage coregonid fishes in Maritime Canada