Search results

(1,381 - 1,400 of 2,824)
Visual and temporal processing deficits in reading disabled youth
A ministry of hospitality
High risk for lethality protocol development in Nova Scotia
Personality, affect and risky sexual behaviour
Warting off danger
Christian public witness and Niebuhrian typology
Globalized websites using Cocoon
Perceived social support for relationships as a predictor of mental and physical health in same-sex and other-sex relationships
"Entire instantaneous sanctification" and New Brunswick Free Christian Baptists
The ministry marathon
Reweaving identity
"Deign'd to Chuse" Calvinism
Sources of magnetic and gravity anomalies on the Scotian Shelf southeast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and onshore-offshore geological correlations using geophysical modeling
Myth, history and labour
Resisting erosion in a sea of capitalism
Deer wintering habitat models for two regions of Nova Scotia
A study of the validity of discretized analog scaling (Discan)
Bridging theory and practice
Associations between components of the attention deficit-hyperactivity syndrome and measures of aggression in relationships
Views from the other side