Search results

(1,321 - 1,340 of 2,824)
The influence of phenology on resource allocation and defense in the dioecious shrub Ilex glabra
Molecular genetic (RAPD) analysis of Leach's storm petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) from three breeding islands in Atlantic Canada
Developing a peer-based counselling method to enable pastors to shed the effects of cumulative pastoral stress
Resource management approach to an efficient wireless sensor network
An automatic news article filtering engine
Population characteristics of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758, from geographically distinct locations in Atlantic Canada during the summer and fall of 1996
Butch Nightingale?
An analysis of Karl Barth's understanding of male and female as co-humanity
Membrane-barrier delivery of formic acid vapours to control Varroa jacobsoni infestation in honey bees colonies
Dante Alighieri
"E(a)ve'sdropping" in Paradise lost
Byting commentary
We're talented and bright, we're lonely and uptight
The role of recreational sports in the federal prison system
Drowning in the fountain of youth
Using spatially explicit regression models to predict the geographic distributions of species
An assessment of the biological characteristics, abundance, and potential yield of the queen conch (Strombus gigas L.) fishery on the Pedro Bank off Jamaica
Electoral and party systems in post-Communist Russia
In search of the generation gap
Market hegemony and education