Search results

(1,241 - 1,260 of 2,824)
Post-traumatic stress and spirituality
Asperger's syndrome
Population parameters and multivariate modeling of winter habitat for moose (Alces alces) on mainland Nova Scotia
No place called home
Clergy care
Partners' attributions for memory performance in interpersonal relationships
The effect of the Dayak worldview, customs, traditions, and customary law (adat-istiadat) on the interpretation of the Gospel in West Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo
A Marxist political economy approach to the Atlantic Canadian consumer co-operative grocery stores
Silent screams
Behavioural toxicology of common loons (Gavia immer) in the Canadian Maritimes
The shadows of imperfection
Landscapes of the unconscious
Centrifugal force?
In search of wholeness
Shifting the goal posts and changing the rules
Unintentional community
St. Philip's African Orthodox Church
The use of ISDN signaling for real-time applications at homes and small businesses
Why a select group of Bahamian female adult learners return to the classroom and how their return impacted their personal and professional lives
Investigating flood risk in an ungauged watershed using LiDAR, GIS, and HEC tools