Search results

(1,161 - 1,180 of 2,824)
Generalizing mutual clusters
Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus seasonal habitat occupancy and survivorship in Bay of Fundy, Canada
The view From within
Employment for people with disabilities in Nova Scotia
International volunteerism
Distribution of the American eel, Anguilla rostrata, in saline waters of North America
Leadership formation in the global context
Having ado with Lancelot
Upholding the Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace or defying Canada’s rule of law?
The biology of the amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) in the Western Minas Basin, Nova Scotia
Geology and mineral occurrences in the Faribault Brook area, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
The doctrine of the cross
A call to wholeness
Headstarting Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in Nova Scotia
Base station controlled intelligent cluster-based routing in wireless sensor networks
Extending the XML compressor Exact with lazy updates
Exploring the relationship between Aboriginal ecotourism and community-based development in Haida Gwaii, Canada
Development and application of indices of coastal zone eutrophication
Harsh realities
A diary study of dyadic coping in romantic relationships