Search results

(1,121 - 1,140 of 2,824)
The role of gender in Mental Health Court participation and outcomes
"In the sea but not of it"
Fishway efficiency and passage behaviour of Alewife in three fishways on Tantramar Marsh near Amherst, Nova Scotia
Counterpower in a dual network
Attachment and the development of attention in young children
Songbird movement, relative abundance, and species composition in natural and managed forest landscapes in western Newfoundland
Walter Benjamin at Pier 21
Buried treasures
Reliable testimony?
Aerobic biotreatment of petroleum contaminated wastewater using membrane bioreactor technology
Sample preparation and chromatographic methods for analysis of toxic pesticides used in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island agriculture
Examining the effect of orthography on auditory sentence comprehension using event-related brain potentials
Interrelations of mother-child relationship harmony, maternal personality features, and history of childhood trauma in high psychosocial risk families
In the cold and near the edge
Movement ecology of songbirds during fall migration in southwestern Nova Scotia
Dyadic coping, attachment styles, and well-being
A critique of John Milbank's Theology and Social Theory
(Sur)passing judgement
Multi-scale habitat selection and fledging success of Black-backed and American Three-toed Woodpeckers in managed forest landscapes
New high and low resolution numerical models of the tidal currents through the Digby Neck passages