Search results

(1,081 - 1,100 of 2,824)
Comparison of population reconstruction methods using age-at-harvest data and catch effort
Political language
Anxiety and art
Dangling the carrot
Object-based land-cover classification of Sable Island, Nova Scotia
The emergence of the concept of resurrection in Judeo-Christian faith
Jesus, the Jewish law, and the Gospel of Mark
Faulty cognitions as mediators of the association between maladaptive relationships and emotional distress
Seeds of decolonial practice
Developing lay leaders in the Companions of the Cross parish context
The influence of Clinical Pastoral Education on Christian seminarians in Hong Kong
Spiritual discernment as a foundation for congregational vitality
An expected improvement criterion for the global optimization of a noisy computer simulator
Facilitating sport for development by partnering organizational support and local coaches
Apple cultivar preference in the European apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea and the apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella
Apparent survival of two trans-equatorial migrant seabirds breeding in Canada
The effect of trauma-informed massage therapy on the long-term negative consequences of childhood sexual assault in males
Breeding ground dispersal and fall migratory movements of Ipswich Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps)
Bridging the rift