Search results

(1,021 - 1,040 of 2,824)
Confluence of the arts and theology
Increasing biblical literacy
Bringing presence
Don’t just shut up and play
Preadolescent girls, media, and the presentation of self
Women's journey to honour infertility
Petrology and stratigraphy of the White Rock Formation, Yarmouth area, Nova Scotia
Spiritual formation In congregations
A historical and contemporary assessment of Baptist chaplaincy in the Halifax hospitals
Symbol or structure
High school confidential
Strengthening linkages between United Nations agencies and NGOs
A longitudinal study of relationship script correspondence within the romantic dyad
Effect of temperature and modified atmosphere packaging on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in coleslaw
The horror of "happily ever after"
Reproduction, nest site selection, and neonatal behaviour in a northern peripheral population of Blanding's turtle, Emydoidea blandingii
A morphological and phylogenetic investigation of Porphyra linearis Greville and Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh forms from Nova Scotia
A longitudinal study of attachment and self-processes
The influence of landscape structure on the fine-scale movement behavior and meso-scale dispersion of two species of calopterygid damselfly