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(641 - 660 of 2,824)
Comparative MADS-box gene expression in Physocarpus opulifolius (Rosaceae)
Noncommutative Grobner basis cryptosystems
Workplace incivility and organizational outcomes
Risk management in Canadian post-secondary outdoor adventure education
The effects of CaCO3 and the mycorrhizal fungus Hymenoscyphus ericae on the growth of the Himalayan blueberry Vaccinium gaultheriifolium
Post-glacial climate change and its effect on the thermal structure and habitat of a shallow dimictic lake, Nova Scotia, Canada
Aspects of the cops and robber game played with incomplete information
Classification models for transactional graph data
Environmental limitations of two rare Atlantic Coastal Plain flora species and the impact of hydrological alterations
An investigation of recreation and cohesion in isolated communities
Within peatland spatial structuring and the influence of the matrix on between peatland movement of the dragonfly, Leucorrhinia hudsonica in western Newfoundland
Metric development for medication compliance using a distribution approach
Wind drift and the use of radar, acoustics, and Canadian Migration Monitoring Network methods for monitoring nocturnal passerine migration
Factors affecting eyewitness accuracy and confidence
Relationships between juvenile fish assemblages and the physical features of bays along the Atlantic coast of mainland Nova Scotia, with implications for coastal marine protected areas
Lossless audio data compression
Sex and leg dominance effects on neuromuscular control patterns and lower body biomechanics during single leg landings of post-pubescent athletes
Effects of government legislation and regulation of payday loans in Canada
Monoclonal antibody MAb M1169 identifies surface proteins of thermotolerant campylobacter species
Volunteer tourism