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(421 - 440 of 2,824)
The synthesis and characterization of Ruthenium and Osmium Polypyridyl, coordination complexes as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy
Moderating effects of positive affect, negative affect, and incivility on students’ engagement and exhaustion
An alternative method for ordered ANOVA under unequal variances
So this is love? Translating Plato's doctrine of Homoerotic Love Into the heteroerotic relationships of the Greek novel
Born Weiser
Say yes to the dress(es)?
Support processes in cardiac rehabilitation
Grand dukes of the west
The politics of exception in Canada and the U.S.
Devotion and identity
Development of a DNA barcoding protocol for fungal specimens in Acadia University’s E.C. Smith Herbarium
Foliar endophytic diversity of Eastern Mountain Avens, Geum peckii Pursh (Rosaceae), from degraded and pristine habitats in Digby County, Nova Scotia, Canada
An assessment of nitrogen and phosphorus availability in constructed wetlands in the Cumberland Marsh Region, Canada
Summer temporal changes in photoreducible mercury in the lakes of Kejimikujik National Park
Quality of child-parent relationships
A photophysical and photochemical investigation of cyclometalated Ru(II) compounds for use as novel photosensitizers in photodynamic therapy
Exploring how residential camp employment may facilitate transferable skills for future work and education
The effects of probiotics on gastrointestinal and mental health symptoms
N,C-bound phosphenium cations as main group hydrogenation catalysts
Synthesis of asymmetric multiple bonds between heavy main group elements