Search results

(2,781 - 2,800 of 2,824)
Society is responsibility for the care of the chronically ill
Factors in the growth patterns of the United Baptist Convention in the Maritime Provinces, 1905-1965
Attempted cyclization Y-(o-Hydroxyphenyl)- butyric acid and other studies
Validation of daily increment formation on otoliths with applications to wild striped bass (Morone saxatilis) at the northern limit of its range
The kinetics of the reaction of atomic bromide with dimethyl ether as a function of temperature
The breeding and feeding ecology of a Barred Owl Strix varia barton population in Kings County, Nova Scotia
Nesting ecology of arctic terns Sterna paradisaea pontoppidan in relation to habitat on Machias Seal Island
Foraging and energetics of the black-bellied plover Pluvialis squatarola (Linnaeus) and related aspects of its prey Glycera dibranchiata ehlers on the Starrs Point mudflat, Minas Basin, N.S.
Migration, habitat utilization, and behavior of six shorebirds (Charadriformes) on Bon Portage Island, Nova Scotia
Aspects of the winter ecology and behaviour of bald eagles (Haliaeetus  leucocephalus  alascanus  Townsend) on the Shubenacadie River, Nova Scotia
Territorial and foraging behaviour of the eastern willet catoptrophorus semipalmatus semipalmatus (Gmelin)
Single mother activists on welfare
Foraging semipalmated sandpipers Calidris pusilla L.  and their major prey Corophium volutator (Pallas)  on the Starrs Point mudflat Minas Basin
Aspects of the winter ecology and behaviour of bald eagles (Haliaeetus  leucocephalus  alascanus Townsend) on the Shubenacadie River, Nova Scotia
Use of invertebrate fauna and associated substrates by migrant shorebirds in the southern Bight, Minas Basin
The status and responses of Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus Ord) to recreational activity in Nova Scotia
A history of the Primitive Baptist Conference of New Brunswick, Maine and Nova Scotia
A  history of the Reformed Baptist Alliance of Canada
The Baptists of Cape Breton
Our Maritime rural evangelism