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(2,701 - 2,720 of 2,824)
Late quaternary stratigraphy of Mullach Brook and adjacent areas, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Rugose corals of the Windsor Group Kennetcook Limestone Member
Taxonomy and paleoecology of the gigantoproductids of Nova Scotia
Stratigraphy of the Horton Bluff Formation, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
The taxonomy and paleoecology of B subzone productids from the Windsor Group in the western part of the Minas sub-basin
The biostratigraphy of the Wallace Point Limestone Member and correlatives of the Windsor Group, Nova Scotia
Leading while leaving
The individual is everything or the world is nothing
'A luminous halo'
Towards understanding the relationship between movement behaviours, frailty, and cognition
Short term simulated microgravity models improve executive function
Structure and succession of salt marsh decomposer communities in Minas Basin, Nova Scotia
Mercury photochemistry and speciation in the Jijuktu'kwejk (Cornwallis River) estuary of the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia
Healing with nature
Learning with symbols
Generation of synthetic speech from a neural network output
Generating accurate virtual examples for lifelong machine learning
Explainable artificial intelligence for image classification via feature prediction and localization
Image to grape yield estimation in the vineyard using deep learning
Vehicle traffic estimation using deep learning