Search results

(2,441 - 2,460 of 2,824)
Parole and aftercare service for juvenile offenders
A report on Old Age assistance recipiencts in the city of Halifax, 1954
Identity in delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents
The role of the social worker in the psychiatric team at the Nova Scotia Mental Hospital
Delinquency and migrant families
A paleoecological  study  of  forest  succession  In northeastern Cape  Breton  Island  as  determined by pollen  analysis
The impact of organizational dynamics on the nursing home residents' quality of life
Turtle nest predation and predator foraging patterns in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia
The role of watersheds in determining the population structure of Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii), a fragmented species at risk in southwestern Nova Scotia
The potentiometric determination of ascorbic acid and the fluorimetric determination of thiamine
Structural geology and basement-cover relations in the southeastern Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia
Discovering important features for charitable organizations using machine learning
Quantum with Qiskit
Towards a fully realized smartphone VANET system
The development of physical education in Nova Scotia schools
Petrology and age of felsic volcanic rocks of the Coldbrook Group and associated granitic plutons, Caledonia terrane, Southern New Brunswick, Canada
Ordovician ironstone of the Western Asturian-Leonese zone, Spain
Confronting insecurity
Attachment styles and coping styles as they predict psychological well-being
The relationship between attachment style and cognitive processing of emotionally supportive material