Search results

(2,361 - 2,380 of 2,824)
Attachment, social type, holistic processing
Use of image analysis software to assess American eel (Anguilla rostrata) elver external pigment development
On the Grundy numbers of oriented graphs
Vertical ground reaction force asymmetries in male and female athletes across four athletic tasks
Examination of mercury and arsenic concentrations in spruce tree cores and soil samples from historical gold mine tailings sites in Nova Scotia
Examination of a novel neuromuscular training intervention on clinical risk factors for sport related concussion in female athletes
John Daniel Logan (1869-1929)
Strength-oriented family treatment
Recognizing Anglican Catholic identity
Public lives from private artifacts
A rationale for belief in the deity of Jesus Christ based upon the synoptic Gospels
Identification of compounds produced by male hairpencil glands of Corn Earworm Helicoverpa zea, and their role in male autodetection and female mate acceptance
Experiences of queer educators in Nova Scotia
Applying image segmentation to deep reinforcement learning in video games
Dream Awakened Eyes
How can we understand Donald Trump?
The Sound of Middle-earth
George MacDonald's Christian universalism within his confessional tradition and today
Teaching divorce and remarriage in its ancient Near East, Greco Roman biblical background, and socio-cultural context, as a possible recovery of martial covenantal oneness in Haitian evangelical diaspora church
Multiprofessional perceptions and attitudes toward integrating ultrasound into an undergraduate medical school curriculum