Search results

(2,321 - 2,340 of 2,824)
Synthesis of xanthene derivatives from salicylaldehydes phenols and aryl-boronic acids
The moderation of embodied attachment on the relationship between visual-temperature cues and prosocial behavioural intentions
Greek sovereignty and the right to the polis
The life and thought of Henry Alline
A survey of the fleshy basidiomycete fungi of Kejimkujik National Park, N.S., with emphasis on pollution indicators
Emotion and adult attachment using the adult attachment picture system
N-Acyliminium Ion Chemistry on 4-Oxo-N-arylpentanamides
An investigation of local zeta functions of self-similar fractal strings
"People exist outside of the binary and what you expect"
Towards an ecumenical model for Baptist ministry
Perceived social support, public versus private affection sharing, and well-being outcomes in same-sex, mixed-sex, and gender diverse romantic relationships
Just like Omar
How power changes
The role of stereotype vulnerability, belongingness, life satisfaction and utility value on university students' commitment to their academic major
Re-reading Canada
The design, implementation and evaluation of a Study Guide to accompany the text Canadian Pentecostals : a history of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Predicting the donor journey using machine learning
An investigation of caregiver attitudes , adult attachment style, and caregivers sensitivity using a simulated parenting task
Does cannabis reduce anxiety by activating approach motivation?
Reconceptualizing the notwithstanding clause