Search results

(2,301 - 2,320 of 2,824)
Conviction and compassion
Gendered affective atmospheres
The Commander of Yahweh’s host (Josh 5:13–15)
The legitimate value and use of rhetoric in preaching the resurrection
Pentecostalism and the premodern
What role does prayer and visualization play In fostering a secure attachment to God?
Disability ministry for small churches
Ernest Buckler
Foraging ecology and body condition of migrant Semipalmated Sandpipers, Calidris pusilla,  on  three  mudflats  in the  Bay  of  Fundy Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve, Nova Scotia
Labor management relations in  the coal  mining  industry  of Nova Scotia
Intertidal invertebrates of Scots Bay and Western Minas Basin, Nova Scotia
The Jehovah's Witnesses
The apocalypse will not be colonized
Analysis and prediction of computer industry talent demand based on machine learning
Seasonal distribution and variation of nitrate, phosphate and heavy metal residues in the Habitant Creek Watershed
The Church of England's role in settling the Loyalists in the Town of Digby, 1783-1810
Colossians 3:16 and the deliberate growth of disciples
Exploring the financial literacy of Chama women's groups in rural Kenya
An examination of public affection sharing and its health associations in interracial and intraracial relationships
Depoliticized by design